New Luggage Point in Prague is OPEN!

New Luggage Storage Point No.2
Things to do in Prague this summer 2023

We are pleased to announce that we have opened another branch of our new concept. This storage facility is located at Jakubská 663/11, Prague 1. It has 32 boxes that can hold up to 116 pieces of luggage! Opening hours are 24/7 and 365 days a year in all weather conditions. Very simple operation and payment by credit card. We have patented this solution with the Industrial Property Office. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. Your team – Proper and Only Luggage Storage in Prague!

Toto řešení máme chráněné užitným vzorem u Úřadu průmyslového vlastnictví a nikdo jiný nesmí podobné řešení instalovat ani od jiného výrobce bez našeho souhlasu a licence. Pro více informací se na nás můžete obrátit.
